Rotary District 6920 Conference Main

Rotary District 6920
Additional Information Web
Southeastern Georgia, USA



Rotary Friendship Exchange is an international exchange program for Rotary members and friends that allows participants to take turns hosting one another in their homes and clubs.  See this reference for this year's District 6920 trip details and application form.


Rotary News Online

Upcoming District 6920 Events - Input Deadlines

  Aug 23 - Dec 15 District Governor Club Visits
  Jan 10 - Mar 2 District Governor Club Visits
  February 4 Assistant Governor Training
  March 3-5 PETS
  March 19-30 Friendship Exchange -Team to Buenos Aires
  April 7  District Award Spreadsheets deadline
  April 20-30 Friendship Exchange - Argentina visitors are here
  April 27-30 District Conference - Callaway Resort & Gardens
  May 15 District Grant Report Due
  June 8-11 RYLA at College of Coastal Georgia
  June 17 District Assembly - Dublin


Greetings  D6920 Rotarians !!


HAPPY ROTARY NEW YEAR!! Each year on June 30, at the stroke of midnight, Rotary celebrates the beginning of a new Rotary Year. All over the world there is a renewed energy and excitement as new International, District, and Club leaders are sworn in. It's an opportunity to honor our history and celebrate the luminaries who have come before us. It's a time to commemorate our achievements, our impact, and the effect Rotary has had on the world.
This new year will be historic for Rotary as we celebrate the first female Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones. It wasn't until 1989 that Rotary International allowed women in Rotary. Our organization has come a long way since that time. Rotary is now more inclusive and diverse than ever before. When we open our hearts and minds to the diversity around us, we grow in ways we never thought possible. We experience new ideas, gain better understanding, and see similarities, not differences. We see that there IS a road to peace. Peace in our communities and peace around the world.
Rotary International organizes the Rotary year into 12 monthly themes. The themes are meant to give clubs a monthly focal point and bring attention to areas of importance and focus for Rotary. July is appropriately titled, "New Leadership Month." However, the theme isn't meant just for those being sworn into new leadership roles. This month's theme is a reminder of each of our commitments to the ideals of Rotary. Each Rotarian is a leader in the workplace, in their communities, and around the world. "Of the things we think say or do...." let us be fair and let us build goodwill in all that we do.
We're about to embark on another amazing year of Rotary. With that comes more opportunity for doing good in the world. Let's DREAM BIG and SERVE BIG!! Imagine what we can do working and serving together. Imagine Rotary!

The year is incredibly meaningful for me. I'm humbled, honored, and so proud to be serving our District and to be a member of your team.

Yours in Rotary,

District Mailing

5730 Sweetbriar Circle
Savannah, GA 31406


District By-Laws
Adopted 5-1-2022



District Governor
Heather Kellen


District Governor
Dr. Felix Smith


District Governor
Todd Freeseman

Chief of Staff & DACdb Coordinator

Paula Goodnow


District Treasurer

 Bruce Montgomery

GA District Map

Zone 33-34 Map


End Polio
(click here)



For personal contact data please access DaCdb.

Webmaster - Jim Bruce - St. Simons Rotary Club